Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Good morning!

Just a quicky:

1. Haigakura ch 33 is released!
2. Join our discord, I'm not going to continue updating this blog after this post.
3. Check out the twitch channel for livestreams of editing and translating.
4. FIVE is on its way back.

Friday, September 2, 2022

Going live!

Afternoon lovelies! I will be going live on Twitch (click here) here in the next fifteen minutes if you're interested! I'll be editing chapter 33 of Haigakura >=3

Thursday, September 1, 2022

Guess what~

Hey there! Keeping it short and simple - chapter 32 is up for download. A lot of stuff has happened with me, but it's there. Hope you enjoy it! Oh and I've created a twitch channel if anyone is interested. https://www.twitch.tv/mrsfridaybeaux89 - I'll be doing videos of editing and translating the series from now on. Go ahead and give me a follow so you can get updates on my lives. I could use some cheerleaders to keep me on my toes XD It'll help keep me on track and get stuff out quicker (at least I hope so =/) Aighty, have a great night!

♥ Yukiko