So I've realized that my nights seem to go a little like this lately: come home, shower because work was gross, take my meds, snuggle with Goober and Dan while watching Family Guy or American dad on Netflix, then try and fall asleep while those two are asleep on top of me. One of those moments where all I can move are my toes and hands because if I do more than that they will wake up.
Once dan finds his way to his side of the bed, Goober gets up only to go chew on one of his million toys (lately he's become accustomed to tearing apart tennis balls and leaving the fuzz everywhere.) Then I'm left with the sounds of my ac, fish filter, bunnies chewing on the bars of their cage or drinking from the bottle, my water dragons falling off their sleeping perches because a cricket woke them up by crawling on their faces, the glow of their heat lamp, and the little blue light from my computer.
Yep that about sums it up. As for me, I sit here awake thinking about all the possibilities of my life, what I'm going to translate and/or edit tomorrow, and how late I should let myself sleep in after I wake up at 8 am because my inner clock likes to mess with me.
On a completely different note, I finished up FIVE ch 60 for all you addicts out there. *sigh* I'm really torn between quitting the series, or continuing with just an every blue moon release. I haven't heard/seen anything from that group who contacted me asking to take it on, and I'd kinda feel bad leaving you guys hanging like this lol. I just need motivation for it. I love Haigakura because it challenges me (and is just amazing in all aspects...) Whereas FIVE....I could live without it. Hime went from being this kick ass heroine to an imbecile in love. *huff*
Also let me reiterate that if I get more staff for FIVE specifically we will keep it active. Contact me via email at
This post is dedicated to the gorgeous pastel ball python we have at work.
♥ Yukiko