Mangaka: Furukawa Shiori
Genre: Comedy, reverse harem, shoujo, school life
Description: Asou Hina has repeatedly transferred schools due to her father's job, and has always dreamed of a normal high school life. At her new school, however, she finds that her class is comprised solely of guys! On top of that, five mischievous boys from her class have taken a liking to her...?!
Status on CM/in Japan: Incomplete/Complete
Releases: Volume 6 Chapter 25

#26 A Black Love Letter
#27 An Angel's Seduction
#28 Benvenuto
#29 Crime & Trap
#30 Sayonara and Bai Bai
#30.5 Goodbye and Farewell
#31 Spicey Gang
#32 White Army
#33 Asou Hina's Secret
#34 It's not strawberry shortcake, nor a no-bake cheesecake, it's a Montblanc.
#35 Back-country Drop
#35.5 What I'm responsible for, A to B.
#36 Girl's Fight!
#37 Let's Cooking?
#38 Triangle Heart
#39 Other side of the lens
#40 Yamachika
#41 That day, that place, that time.
#42 Where did my angel go?
#43 Boy's Talk
#44 It hurts, Princess
#45 So how much, is that pride?
#46 Very Berry Short-Cake
#47 Love Station
♥ Five Questionnaire Corner - scanning, translating
#48 Crossroad
#49 STRAYxSTRAY Rhapsody
#51 Thus and Thus
#52 The mixed onsen incident
#53 Waiting on a new dawn
♥ FIVE 4th anniversary ~ 5 Strategy - scanned
#54 Wild Sakura Star Dance
#55 The Dancing World
#56 Trigger
#57 Confusion
#58 Bottom of the Deep Darkness
#59 千日紅
#60 Because you are
#61 Budding Flower
#62 Iwabuchi Takui
#63 Shimizu Toshi
#64 Asou Hina
#66 Guy's heart, girl's thoughts
#67 Troublesome Guys - scanning
#68 This Couple's Case - scanning
#69 That Couple's Case - scanninge
#70 Threesome - scanning