Wednesday, March 6, 2013

I disappeared?

No, just been crazy busy. So sorry guys. Someone quit at work, so I've been given uber more hours + chores at the barn + a new puppy = distracting life. I haven't been keeping up with my favorite anime OR manga either. That says a lot lol. I'm working on both FIVE and Haigakura at the moment. I am sorry, don't think I've just vanished!

♥ Yukiko

1 comment:

  1. Life can be pretty hectic sometimes, ne !?!
    Well, I figured you've been busy lately so I wasn't worried. Besides, I believe you're not the kind of person who would vanish without saying goodbye unlike others (=^w^=).
    I'll be patiently waiting for new releases! ;-)
    Thank you for your hard work !
