Friday, July 31, 2015

It's definitely not cold anymore.

Well helloooooo there. I've been crazy busy, like usual. However, I have come upon a new job with better hours, so I will be able to get working on our main series again.

I'm mainly writing this as a shout-out for a lot of the Sensei ha Ore no Mono fans. I've had a few people email me recently, asking to have the series active again. Some of you may recall why I stopped releasing the series: I'm not a fan of it. Also, we didn't have a lot of feedback on Senmono anyway. However, the amount of emails I have received lately have brought me here, to ask for your help. If we can get a translator, cleaner, and typesetter to work specifically on this series, I have no problem scanning the raws and QC'ing.

So, if anyone is interested in helping out, email me at or message me on the CM facebook page.

For everyone else who is wondering WTF has taken me so long with Haigakura, I'M GETTING THERE - it's 85 pages. I'm flying solo, and also work in real life. What would be awesome, is if I could get some help (translating or editing) on Haigakura. I think that's all for now *sigh* So here's a dose of cuteness for your day, and why not like the page while you're at it! They're my real life four-legged kids.


  1. When will you be releasing chapter 66 - 70 of FIVE?

  2. By chance I may be able to edit. That's just making sure grammar and terminology is correct, right? If so I just emailed you about one of the manga's you can contact me there. But I could help with others as well. It's probably really stressful and taxing on your health to try to do this by yourself. So if you want any help I may try to assist. Email is the Hattery13 one.
