Monday, January 22, 2018

Oiya oiya~

Just a quick note for you guys. We are still recruiting, and I really need Japanese to English translators. You don't have to be fluent, that's what quality checking is for! Also, I have a couple volumes of Haigakura on their way, so look forward to that! I'll force myself to finish up this latest chapter tomorrow, it's my next day off. See ya next update!


  1. hey I just wanted to say I really appreciate your dedication to your work and it really shows how much you love what you do, even reading it. thanks <3

  2. Hi. It's been a long time for both you and I it seems. I've been working nonstop after finishing school. I teach and get summers "off." However, that's not true. I have to take classes and have meetings and develop curriculum, etc. Plus, I have 3 kids. Welp, that's my whole summer filled up right there. Anyway, I was a big follower of Five for so long, but when college and work and kids took over my schedule/life, I kept seeing the releases for it from ch60 to 65. I just didn't have time to read them. I have been waiting for it to be finished for so long. I really just put it on the back burner thinking that rl was just as overwhelming for you. I was taking some time to look through my manga favorites list and cleaning up my database of manga that I've read and want to read when I stumbled across Five. So, I looked you up to see if you've released more chapters and I just missed them or what your status is. I am saddened to see Five is on your dropped list. Though, after reading the last several posts, I can totally understand why you've seemed to scale back on your projects. Still, I'm so sad. That was one manga that I was really into. Real life can really take a lot out of ya and force so many of the things we enjoy out of it. Not that I don't enjoy my kids or my job--I do--it's just that I'd really like to be able to enjoy all of the things I want. And we all have to prioritize, right? Anyway, I just wanted to say thank you so much for the scanlations you did of Five, and I appreciate your hard work and personal time and sacrifice in doing all of the projects you do. *hugs* I do hope things get easier and better for you. Please consider at that time to finish up Five. You are so close to the end, too!
