Wednesday, August 13, 2014

So a little update...

FIVE: Currently, ch 61 is being edited by Midge and I'm's coming along nicely. Ch 62 is being cleaned by Amanda, but I won't start translating that til I'm done with everything else.
Haigakura: Lohathe is cleaning a few pages so I can get caught up on translating.
Gekijou Komori Uta: Basically done, I'm just waiting to hear back from another group about borrowing the last 5 pages. Raff Manga didn't have the entire chapter on there ><
Senmono: I was contacted by someone who is willing to help clean - but I would need another translator and typesetter for me to bring this series back to activity.
Mune ga Naru noha Kiminosei: The volumes are being shipped but a lot of the translation is done :)
Jaguri: Our source just received the volume, so he's working on scanning it and whatnot right now.

I'm rather proud of myself, and the new staff I have. FIVE is definitely going to move along swiftly with that team. I just REALLY NEED another translator. My poor brain can only handle so much, guys.

♥ Yukiko

PS. The new volumes are on their way from China now~ USPS is keeping me up to date via text haha. New fangled tech and whatnot.

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Gekijou Komori uta!

YES! I finally found half-way decent raws for this series! I've had my eye on it for a while now, and as far as I know - no one else has picked it up. Since I don't have money to purchas volume 1 right now =_= we will be using magazine raws. Anyway, I think everyone will enjoy it. It's a cute shoujou by Nanajima Kana ^^ I'd really like to buy the tankoban so if we could get $25 - which would have it ship 2 to 5 business days - in donations that'd be awesome. If not, well...Uhg I'll put up with the rough stuff.

Oggle the goods...

♥ Yukiko

Monday, August 4, 2014

Well you've been patient I guess...

So I've realized that my nights seem to go a little like this lately: come home, shower because work was gross, take my meds, snuggle with Goober and Dan while watching Family Guy or American dad on Netflix, then try and fall asleep while those two are asleep on top of me. One of those moments where all I can move are my toes and hands because if I do more than that they will wake up.

Once dan finds his way to his side of the bed, Goober gets up only to go chew on one of his million toys (lately he's become accustomed to tearing apart tennis balls and leaving the fuzz everywhere.) Then I'm left with the sounds of my ac, fish filter, bunnies chewing on the bars of their cage or drinking from the bottle, my water dragons falling off their sleeping perches because a cricket woke them up by crawling on their faces, the glow of their heat lamp, and the little blue light from my computer.

Yep that about sums it up. As for me, I sit here awake thinking about all the possibilities of my life, what I'm going to translate and/or edit tomorrow, and how late I should let myself sleep in after I wake up at 8 am because my inner clock likes to mess with me.

On a completely different note, I finished up FIVE ch 60 for all you addicts out there. *sigh* I'm really torn between quitting the series, or continuing with just an every blue moon release. I haven't heard/seen anything from that group who contacted me asking to take it on, and I'd kinda feel bad leaving you guys hanging like this lol. I just need motivation for it. I love Haigakura because it challenges me (and is just amazing in all aspects...) Whereas FIVE....I could live without it. Hime went from being this kick ass heroine to an imbecile in love. *huff*

Also let me reiterate that if I get more staff for FIVE specifically we will keep it active. Contact me via email at

This post is dedicated to the gorgeous pastel ball python we have at work.

♥ Yukiko

Friday, August 1, 2014

Music Requesting?

For those of you who watch anime, you probably stumbled across Noragami (it's also a manga, but that doesn't come with music....) - right? Well the opening song is performed by an amazing group called Hello Sleepwalkers. I'm an avid music lover, and needless to say I have been listening to their album on repeat all morning XD So while I was sitting here translating some FIVE the idea came to me, that you guys should be allowed to pick what music I put up on our player. SO! Comment on this post with a song title and artist name, and I'll put it up in the next rotation :3

Also, I'm going to put a link to HS album Masked Monkey Awakening for your listening pleasure.

♥ Yukiko