Wednesday, August 13, 2014

So a little update...

FIVE: Currently, ch 61 is being edited by Midge and I'm's coming along nicely. Ch 62 is being cleaned by Amanda, but I won't start translating that til I'm done with everything else.
Haigakura: Lohathe is cleaning a few pages so I can get caught up on translating.
Gekijou Komori Uta: Basically done, I'm just waiting to hear back from another group about borrowing the last 5 pages. Raff Manga didn't have the entire chapter on there ><
Senmono: I was contacted by someone who is willing to help clean - but I would need another translator and typesetter for me to bring this series back to activity.
Mune ga Naru noha Kiminosei: The volumes are being shipped but a lot of the translation is done :)
Jaguri: Our source just received the volume, so he's working on scanning it and whatnot right now.

I'm rather proud of myself, and the new staff I have. FIVE is definitely going to move along swiftly with that team. I just REALLY NEED another translator. My poor brain can only handle so much, guys.

♥ Yukiko

PS. The new volumes are on their way from China now~ USPS is keeping me up to date via text haha. New fangled tech and whatnot.

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